개인정보 처리방침

Privacy policy

DOS & YOUNIQUE Co., Ltd. [("the company", "we," "us," "our")] knows how important privacy is to our customers, and strictly complies with regulations laid out in the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. This Privacy Policy provides an overview of how we collect and use information and what measures are taken to protect your personal information. In the event of any modification or update on the Privacy Policy, the company will let you know about changes by announcing it through a notice of our website (www.dosinternational.co.kr/en) or through individual notifications.

This Policy shall be implemented starting Jan 1st, 2022

1. List of Collected Personal Information

  For security process, members certification/ or identification, prevention of abuse, maintaining records for dispute resolution, handling complaints and announcement, securing communication channels of service, counseling, inquiries, reviews, marketing, advertising purposes and counseling, the company gathers the following personal information.

·         Type of personal information collected: name/company name/address/phone number/e-mail address/inquiry

·         How we collect personal information: Homepage, email, application form

2. Purpose of collecting information

The company uses the collected personal information for the following purpose

·         For security process, members certification/ or identification, prevention of abuse, maintaining records for dispute resolution, handling complaints and announcement, securing communication channels of service, counseling, inquiries, reviews, marketing, advertising purposes and counseling.


3. Retention of your information

Your personal information is destroyed without delay when its particular purpose is fulfilled and we no longer need to keep the information.

4. Disposal of your information

The company, in principle, disposes personal information without delay after the information is used for its intended purpose.

Disposal Procedure

According to internal policies and other related laws, the information entered by each person will be transferred to a separated DB(separate document box in case of paper) and destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time(see retention and usage period). Unless it is legal, personal information transmitted to a different DB is not utilized for any purpose other than storage.

Disposal Methods

  • Personal information stored in electronic files is deleted in a way that prevents recovery of the record.
  • Information printed out on paper is either shredded or incinerated.

5. Information sharing

The company, in principle, never provides your personal information to any third party except 1) when your prior consent is given or 2) when required by laws or regulations, or 3) when an investigative agency requests it for investigative purposes in accordance with procedures specified by legislation.

6. Users’ rights and how to exercise those rights

You can have your personal data corrected, blocked or deleted at any time upon request. We shall begin information disposal process as soon as our personal information officer receives your written, phone or email request for information deletion.

7. Complaints regarding personal information

The company designates a personal information manager to protect your personal information and to investigate complaints regarding personal information.

  • Officer in charge : Management Support
  • Phone number: 82-70-7518-9935

You may direct all complaints on personal information protection found using our service to our Personal Information Officers or the responsible team. The company will respond swiftly and appropriately to any complaints raised.

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